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Masterclass Letse taal

18/06/2015 18:30 - 20:00


PLACE: Muntpunt library, Place de la Monnaie 6

ENTRANCE: donations

LANGUAGE: English and Latvian

During this 1.5 hour class with music accompaniment you will learn about the place of Latvian among other languages and you will be introduced to Latvian alphabet, basic principles of spelling, pronunciation and grammatical system. At the end of the class you will be able to introduce yourself in Latvian, ask some questions, read a simple text and recognize some words when reading or listening.

To participate register here.

“In het lied hebben wij elkaar ontmoet, laat ons zingend feesten!”

A. Jērums

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Europese Letse Vereniging
telefoon: +371 25959360

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